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Perhaps you’ve already heard that maintaining good mental health is beneficial for both you and the people around you. However, you may not know how common mental illness is. According to Cleveland Clinic, "Around 1 in 5 Americans and 1 in 8 people worldwide experience some type of mental health condition in any given year." Mental health is not something to be taken lightly. Your mental health impacts your emotional health, physical health, and may also impact your social health as well. But how do you know if you may be suffering from mental health problems? Here are some signs that might indicate you are struggling with mental illness.


1.       A Change in Eating Habits

Do you find yourself constantly eating something? Or are you someone who finds themselves eating less and less? This could be a warning sign that your mental health is not in a good place. Eating changes might point towards an underlying problem such as depression, or it might be linked to other mental health disorders. This is a warning sign that should not be ignored!


2.       Mood Swings

Does everything feel like sunshine one moment and then thunderclouds the next? Do you suddenly feel angry at the smallest thing or worried for no apparent reason? These are some very strong signs that something else might be going on. One of the first steps you can take is to talk to your doctor about these mood swings. There may be an underlying health issue which might need urgent attention!


3.       Energy swings

Are your energy levels unpredictable? Are you charged and ready to go, only to be drained and tired when you least expect it? This could be indicative of something else going on with your mental health. The underlying cause of energy swings can be anything from an important health issue to a mental health disorder. This is certainly a sign not to be ignored.


What do I do?

These signs may show up separately or together. Do you recognize any of these warning signs in your own life? Or do you recognize some, but are not sure of others? You owe it to yourself to take charge of your mental health and talk to your doctor and/or a mental health professional to better understand what might be going on.

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental health. It is not uncommon for people to feel embarrassed or unable to bring these concerns to others. However, talking to others who share the same struggles is a great way to overcome these obstacles and improve overall well-being. According to the American Psychiatric Association, "Substantial research shows that knowing or having contact with someone with mental illness is one of the best ways to reduce stigma. Individuals speaking out and sharing their stories can have a positive impact. When we know someone with mental illness, it becomes less scary and more real and relatable."

At Back to Eden, we have a passion for helping individuals overcome mental health obstacles to help people live better and fuller lives. Check out our mental health support groups here. We’re looking forward to taking this journey to better mental health with you!





“Clothes aren’t going to change the world, the women who wear them will.”- Anne Klein

The fashion and clothing industry is one where women have certainly made their mark. Names like Coco Chanel and Jeanne Lanvin are famously known for their creative vision and artistic inspiration along with many other women who have driven fashion in new and exciting directions. Away from the runway, however, there are equally a great number of women who are not credited with their business savvy, and strategic insight.

According to, “[women] …continue to be underrepresented at the highest echelons of the [fashion] industry.”

At first, this might be confusing. After all, women are the engines of the fashion/retail industry. Just from a consumer perspective, women on average spend more on clothing than men. (Roughly three times more!) so what is going on here?

According to McKinsey and Co. in an article titled, Shattering the Glass Runway, the issue comes down to 1) Lack of awareness and 2) Lack of direction.


Lack of Awareness

Many people do not realize that this disparity exists in the fashion industry, and there is a good reason for this. At first glance, the sheer number of women who are working in the fashion industry is staggering. There are roughly over 82.7% of women fashion designers in the U.S. while only 17.3% are men ( With so many women in this industry, what is the problem? Strangely, Less than 50 percent of womenswear brands are actually designed by women, and “…only 14 percent of major brands have a female executive in charge.” (McKinsey and Co.) There is a major gap happening in this industry, yet because of the initial numbers, rarely anyone looks beneath the surface.




Lack of Direction

This is by far one of the biggest reasons why the gender gap in the fashion/retail industry exists. Many women are not getting the direction or the assistance they need in order to launch themselves into executive positions. According to McKinsey and Co., “One reason women may be less clear on the path to success is because they receive less career advice than men do.” This lack of career advice means that there is a lack of confidence going forward in this industry, and it is this lack of confidence that remains one of the integral factors that ultimately determines who gets the executive position and who does not.

Do YOU have the direction you need to succeed?

If you have a passion for the retail/fashion industry, don’t let the numbers discourage you! At Back to Eden we offer the right experience and support so you too can enter into this field confident in your abilities to succeed!

To find out more about our programs, click here!






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