Spillin' CommuniTEA

Spillin' CommuniTEA is a platform organized by Back To Eden for nonprofit organizations to come on and talk about the issues and needs for their communities as well as the solutions for these issues. Spillin' CommuniTEA provides discussion about the gaps in our communities today and what we should do about it. If you are a part of a nonprofit organization and want to be a part of the show, contact us at: backtoedennonprofit@aol.com 713-239-0356 www.backtoedenfellow.org
CommunitTEA Podcast:
Latest Episode: Overcoming Trauma & Hardship, Women's Empowerment
Available on; Spotify, Boldjourney.com, and Apple Podcast.
Back to Eden CEO Kathy Phipps discusses her journey overcoming challenges and giving back to the community along with Dr. Monica E. Alharazim and CEO of Bold Journey Kayla Smith.